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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jan 30, 2011

 Orrin's weight today was 99.5. While we thought that it should have made a difference in his response, it didn't make as much of one as we desired. So we will be taking him down some more. When you are unsure of the proper weight with a bird this small it is best to go slowly. Once you reach a certain point with these little hawks, it is difficult to bring them back, so slow is the way we will proceed. He is doing well, just not as fast as I want and expect.

We walked to the line of trees out by the driveway coming into the ranch, and turned him loose. I had expected him to fly into one of the trees and land, but he flew through the trees and landed on the plastic tank by the road. We went the other way today, and after about 30 yards called him to the fist. He came without much hesitation, and after she released him, flew back to the tank. We walked on, hoping that he would come closer without being called. He did not and Tami called him to the fist. He came probably about 80 or more yards to the fist, then after he was released flew back to the tank. We walked around behind a small hill to where he couldn't see us. I kept expecting him to fly to a spot that he could keep us in view, but he did not, so I threw the lure up high. He apparently didn't see it, so I did it again and yelled. This time he saw it and came looking for it. It didn't quite get into the brush and after a bit he found it. He flew down to it, and then for whatever reason spooked and started back to the tank, now more than 100 yards or more away. I yelled at him, and he turned back towards us. I threw the lure and he came down to it. He was running around on the ground like there was no food on the lure. Tami called him to the fist, and gave him a couple of tidbits. This time when he was released, he flew to a tree in the area near us. I put another chunk of food on the lure and we walked away. Tami called him from about 60 yards and as he neared me, I tossed the lure out for him.

 After he ate the food on the lure, Tami called him to the fist for his meal.

 So once again, we will reduce his weight by a small amount and see if we can get a better response out of him.

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