After a bit of rest Karen and I loaded up the dogs and Jessie for the afternoon duck hunt. I decided to go to the lake on the ranch across the road. It always has ducks either on the lake or on the ditches and drainage coming out of it. The approach is a blind one that is almost impossible to check without flushing any ducks on it, so I didn't bother. When the trees surrounding the pond were visible, I turned Jessie loose. This time she chupped to me (She only chups when she is happy) and took a good look around to see just where she was. After a bit she took off and began climbing to a pretty respectable pitch for her, and was waiting for the flush. Some Widgeon flushed and she began her stoop. They chickened out and went back to the pond, she, back up to her previous pitch in a very short time, never losing her command of the pond. If she had they would have blown out leaving us empty handed. Curly, Betsey and myself rushed the pond at the right time for once, and one of the ducks climbed out over the trees and over bare ground. Jessie did her "velcro cannon ball" routine and smacked into him at about 75 feet high and took him to the ground.
I promised both her and Karen if she caught a duck tonight, I would feed her up so that we could take a day off. Both got their wish! I did too!
We spent 7 hours hunting today, and at least that yesterday.
Sounds like a full time job to me, how did you ever have time to do all that hunting before and have a paying job to boot?