I tried really hard to keep my nose to the grind stone and get some stuff done around the house. Yesterday was gorgeous and today is even better. The temp started climbing at an unprecedented rate, (79 now ) so I turned off the news, got my rake and went to where I left off on the runway. Its sure funny but ground that won't grow anything but tumble weeds and Goats heads (nasty caltrops type of plant) can sure grow rocks. They just pop up every where you don't want them, but I digress- There I was raking up a sweat and the wind just wouldn't blow. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer so back I go, Tell the wife where I intend to go, turn on the Spot tracking and roll out the Firestar.
I decided to follow the old ION Hwy to Rome and then see what interested me. That is the Idaho,Oregon and Nevada Hwy. It was in use in the early days of settlement here in the West. It lead into the mining camps of Silver City and the like. (Yes there is one in Idaho, and probably most every other state in the union.) The road goes down into Rome where one of the early families built a Toll Bridge to cross the Owyhee River. I then flew downriver dodging Ducks and Geese and then turned along the Pillars Of Rome. ( settlement of a cafe with some gas pumps named Rome because the early settlers thought that was what Roman Pillars should look like.) I then took a better look at Scotts Butte, since some who saw yesterdays post and pictures were curious.
As I mentioned it was the orifice where most of the Lava in this area probably spewed out of.
Here is the URL for the Spot tracking if you are interested- http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0siAoTNYTZD6KPbiDncNLfKZruRqx5nUO
I also took a video that is about 8 minutes long that I uploaded to You Tube.Unfortunately there is no sound with this one.
Flight was 45 minutes, burned less that 2.2 gallons. Did not use the Hac-man system.
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