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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Puddy update and Jasper gets a bit better

I have been taking Pud out to the rabbit fields and showing her plenty of Rabbits. She sometimes chases the Bunnies, and occasionally puts a little effort into it. However four days ago, I wounded a Jack for her and she really never even tried for it. I left her without food for two days, then she did the same thing the next time I took her out. I brought her home and left her without food for another two days. She finally lost down to 790 grams today. She does not lose weight seemingly at all. She stayed the same weight for two days and never got any food from me other than tidbits to put her out and back in at night. Maybe she is eating mice during the days in the weathering area. Even at that weight she does not act really hungry. She comes well to the fist, and will follow, but shows little incentive to feed herself.

Today I shot a Jack no more than 80 yards from the truck. Unfortunately I flinched and hit it in the chest rather than the butt. It was still twitching when I got there with Pud. She looked at it with some mild interest, but did not offer to go down on it. I looped my leash around its legs and drug it around her, but got no response. Finally I tossed it by the rock she was sitting on in disgust and intended to try for another. It landed with its belly up and I guess looked enough like carrion that she hopped off the rock and walked over to look closer.

I just sat down and let her do as she chose with it. She drug it into a bush so low that she could do little with the carcass. Finally after 10 or so minutes she started trying to eat the ear. She couldn't get any traction to tear into the scant flesh of the head under the bush, so after 15 or more minutes, I went over to open the Jack. Of course she footed me for my efforts. I let her eat all she could hold. I am not sure that it will improve her attitude or desire, but at least I won't have to fool with her for a few days.

I noticed today that she had broken another tail feather either on the perch or today in her struggle with a dead Jack. Sometimes I despair of her ever achieving the title of Hunting Hawk.

Tami brought Jasper over last night, but there was no wind so he was less interested in flying in a hover. He also showed little interest in the Sparrows, taking off to try to catch a Meadow Lark up in the field by the runway. He took a perch on the top of the hanger, and sat for a while. Tami called him to her and one of the Black Birds that I was trying to hide in my vest escaped. It had a good 50 yards on him, but her took off after it and finally put it in down at the creek. They both went into cover at about the same time, so we were worried that we might have trouble finding him. Fortunately he did not catch it and soon was winging back in our direction. He went into a hover right in front of us. I pulled out another Black Bird that did not have any feathers pulled and tossed it. He stooped after it, scaring it badly enough that after ducking over John and Boyd's head it ran into Boyd's airplane.
I was more than a bit surprised at his ability to press the Black Birds hard enough to force them to cover, since it was not handicapped at all.

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