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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peg, I am afraid just isn't getting it. I have been out every day since her last kill, sometimes spending two to four hours walking and trying to find rabbits for her. I have counted and she has had at least 100 opportunities to catch either Jacks, Bunny's or Pheasant and has not been able to connect. Mostly the problem lies in closing. She just doesn't take the opportunities that she is presented with to make a catch. Mostly she pursues, and when she gets close, the rabbits stop or hide, and she lands on the ground. Weight does not seem to have any effect on the problem.

Lee Mann called the other day and has offered to loan me one of his experienced hawks for the season to show her the ropes and to offer a bit of competition in the hopes that she will understand what it takes to be a hunting hawk. She is handicapped by her foot and her size. She is hunting at a smaller weight than one of Lee's males. I am not sure when we will be able to make connections to pick up one of his birds so in the meantime I am going to fly her to the balloon where I will be able to put some weight and muscle on her.

We had some friends stop by on a visit and Peg of course was the entertainment. I gave the ladies a glove each and Peg flew back and forth between them to their great delight.

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