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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring appears to be finally coming.

It has been a very interesting winter and spring. We have had 213% of normal rainfall this year, and more wind days than normal as well. Perhaps we will be turning the corner soon. I have hibernated simply because I can, and thus caught up on my reading, and napping when the weather warranted it.

I have finally caught up on my "Honey Do list", a little concrete work and I should be done for the year. Nothing left but to play the summer away, fishing and flying.

The runway is in better shape than it has ever been. I rolled it with a home made roller and the quad several times after some of our more drenching rains. It has been bad enough that I have also done a lot of ditch work to direct the water away from the house and hanger.

Today the forecast was for 75 degrees and light for once winds. I got up at dawn and it was indeed as good as forecast. I dressed up with my "Chilli Vest", wild rag and rolled dart out of the hanger. I wanted to see how high the water really was and see if I could remember how to fly the plane. This was my third time this year of flying, so some remedial work was in order.

We are hosting a bunch of our flying friends the first part of June, so things should be picking up soon.

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