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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Final version

I didn't like the rather unsecure position of the camera bungeed to the door in my last posted video. I did like being able to reach out and turn it on or off, but what the heck, I generally don't fly more than 1.5 hours at a time anyway. Besides, then I can show the whole trip to the wife, if she is interested.

So I made an aluminum tab to go behind my Pito tube. I have one of those that has a nut to tighten it to the plane. I then took some dense foam and cut a pocket in it to hold the camera, and went flying. Well it was better, but it was a bit wavy, so I made a new one of 1/8th alum bar and put that one on.
Then put the camera on a thin strip of foam and secured it with a rubber band. That made me a bit nervous so I put a piece of tape as a security feature. It is well that I did. When I got back I found that the rubber band had broken.
The vibration that is such a problem every where else is non existent at this point, and the camera view is much better. One bug scoring a direct hit will wipe every thing out however. :-)
I flew for one hour and 5 minutes. The file size was 1.2 gigs. I then edited it down to two clips of 4 and 5 minutes, and they are being posted to You Tube, and face book now.

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