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Friday, July 24, 2009

Owyhee Ramblins

I made a trip down the Owyhee River this morning and when I got back from the two hour flight, and viewed the video, found that I had a blemish on the camera lens. I attempted to clean the lens and was unable to do so. I managed to drop it the other day when I took it off the mount to obtain pictures to send to the list. I can only assume that the damage occurred when it hit the concrete. So I would caution those of you who bought one, to hold on to it. :-) The blemish is visible, will have to decide whether to buy another one, or put up with this.
Most of this has been done by me before, but there are two bands of Bighorn Sheep in this one, and I never get that tired of the scenery down there.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the best video you have posted yet. The music really was a good fit for the scenery. You had me pulling my feet up a few times in my computer chair trying to miss the bushes. I really wish I had the camera this weekend over in Bonanza. I flew Langell valley and Swan Lake, and everything in between at John W. patrol altitude. I saw lots of wildlife and was so engrossed in the scenery, I took few pictures. The advantage of your current set-up is not haveing to think about the camera while flying.
